
Maggiknits, Inc. is able to ship anywhere in the 48 contiguous United States. Fixed shipping only within the USA. For shipping costs outside the USA, please email us for INTERNATIONAL RATES, INCLUDING CANADA - for rates.

Returns/Refunds Policy

Maggiknits Inc. products carry a 10 working days refund policy from the date of purchase unless otherwise stated.

All returns must be in a "sellable" condition in order to receive a refund. Damaged products or KITS OPENED will not be refunded.

Maggiknits is not responsible for refunding the shipping costs to either originally sent or to return products. The customer is responsible for all shipping costs.

Items received after the 10 working day return policy are NON-refundable.

All returns must be received at Maggiknits, Inc. at the address listed below, on or before the 10 working day return policy expires.

Maggiknits, Inc.


610 Suncrest Blvd

GA 31410

You should expect to receive your refund within one week, usually less, after we RECEIVE your package.

PayPal or Credit Card Purchases:

A refund will be issued to your PayPal account and a check will be sent for CC payments as the website doesn't store your #. Contact us if you would prefer another method.

Third Party Purchases:

Products purchased from a third-party company(ie. Maggiknits, Inc. retail partners and affiliates) carry their own return/refund policies. Please see retailer's individual websites for their current return/refund policy.

 Email any questions to - Maggie Jackson -
